September 15th 2020 - Politics - The Line

The CPC can win the 905 if it embraces a carbon tax

The CPC can win the 905 if it embraces a carbon tax

A carbon tax, properly packaged, is a vote winner for Conservatives. Yes, you read that right. Way back in February, BC (Before COVID) I wrote a piece entitled “To win the next election, Conservatives need a credible climate pan.” It built on…


August 25th 2020 - Politics - The Line

Keep the planes parked — there’s no chance of a snap federal vote this fall

Keep the planes parked — there’s no chance of a snap federal vote this fall

Will there be a federal election before next spring? In a word, no. Recent challenges for the Liberals, plus the selection of Erin O’Toole as the new Conservative leader, has ramped up speculation about a snap election. Liberals and Conservatives…


August 19th 2020 - Monetary Policy - The Line

Boessenkool & Gillezeau: A political career for Mark Carney will hurt Canada

Boessenkool & Gillezeau: A political career for Mark Carney will hurt Canada

It’s 2020 and throwing out rules, conventions and precedents is all the rage.  So it may seem a bit quaint to defend a mere precedent. Yet, here we are. As rumours abound that Mark Carney, the former Governor of the…


August 6th 2020 - Family - The Line

Why the tepid response to the crisis of childcare?

Why the tepid response to the crisis of childcare?

I am growing increasingly sympathetic to the idea that the tepid response of governments to the pending pandemic crisis in childcare and schooling goes beyond the weakness of any particular government and is due to something bigger. Though most conservatives…


June 30th 2020 - Economics - First Policy Response

Public confidence and the COVID-19 economy

Public confidence and the COVID-19 economy

If you open it, will they come? Most of Canada is now in various phases of reopening and the question many businesses will be asking is not, “Can I open?” but rather, “Should I open?” This won’t be an easy…