July 16th 2016 - Alberta - Edmonton Journal

No reason Alberta political parties should feel legally barred from merger

No reason Alberta political parties should feel legally barred from merger

It is difficult for political parties to merge in Alberta because it is impossible for them to transfer assets to each other. This is the conclusion of numerous anti unite-the-right activists and commentators. They base this on recent comments from Glen Resler, Alberta’s…


February 16th 2016 - Tax - Globe and Mail

For a quick shot in the arm, cut the GST

For a quick shot in the arm, cut the GST

Ken Boessenkool is co-author of Ordered Liberty: How Harper’s Philosophy Transformed Canada for the Better. Does Canada need a fiscal stimulus program? The Liberal federal government certainly thinks so. Alberta and other natural-resource-producing provinces could certainly use a shot in the…


January 28th 2016 - Family - Policy Options

Discussions about inequality should start with the family

Discussions about inequality should start with the family

Inequality was the top issue on the agenda of last week’s World Economic Forum meetings and the subject of regular commentary on editorial pages. Star columnist Linda McQuaig, for instance, recently questioned the “morality of so much wealth concentrated in…


January 23rd 2016 - Politics - National Post

Boessenkool & Speer: Conservatives are in a solid position to win again, thanks to the Stephen Harper decade

Boessenkool & Speer: Conservatives are in a solid position to win again, thanks to the Stephen Harper decade

Canadian conservatives were pleased to see 2015 come to an end. The year was marked by a disappointing election result and closed with the fawning reception of our new, young prime minister.


January 18th 2016 - Politics - Macleans

Why Kevin O’Leary is wrong for Conservatives

Why Kevin O’Leary is wrong for Conservatives

The next year-and-a-half could be one of the most ‎important in the contemporary history of the Canadian conservative movement. It might compare only to the period between the Conservative Party of Canada’s creation in December 2003, Stephen Harper’s selection as…