I’m pleased to announce that Shannon Phillips has joined forces with myself and Tyler Meredith, creating Meredith Boessenkool & Phillips. Together we’ll offer our brand of innovative policy-based expertise to Canadians from coast to coast.
We work to translate our clients’ goals into public policy priorities, crafting ready-made, comprehensive solutions for government.
To Make Better Policy with Meredith Boessenkool & Phillips, visit MBPolicy.com.
Any discussion of Alberta financial management must come to grips with the central role of resources revenues and the future financing of health and pensions. First, a quick review of Alberta’s revenues. In the past two decades, revenues from income…
CALGARY – Alberta’s poverty industry is at it again. A recently concluded review of Alberta’s welfare program saw the usual suspects trot out their heart-wrenching, single-mother-on-welfare anecdotes along with laments about welfare rates that are too low, affordable housing that…
CALGARY – Alberta’s poverty industry is at it again. A recently concluded review of Alberta’s welfare program saw the usual suspects trot out their heart-wrenching, single-mother-on-welfare anecdotes along with laments about welfare rates that are too low, affordable housing that…
A well-designed computer network, like well-designed policy in a federation like Canada, depends on good firewalls. In a computer network, a good firewall alerts users to potential harmful interactions between the computer and the local network, and also between the…
An outbreak of junior high Marxism at the University of Calgary’s faculty association may put the future of the U of C, and its substantial contribution to the City of Calgary, at risk. In a recent newsletter, the association says…