August 24th 2001 - Archive - Calgary Herald

Beware of Grits bearing gifts

Beware of Grits bearing gifts

Albertans are currently witnessing the spectacle of federal cabinet ministers liberally sprinkling dollars across our province. And while the attention may be welcome, the unfortunate reality is that each new dollar Ottawa doles out costs Albertans at least 35 cents. …


August 1st 2001 - Federal/Provincial Relations - Chronicle Herald

Equalization needs fixing

Equalization needs fixing

The current debate on Ottawa’s equalization payments to economically disadvantaged provinces is not primarily, as Stephane Dion asserted in these pages last week, about special treatment or about disincentives that the program creates for recipient provinces – as worthy as…


July 31st 2001 - Federal/Provincial Relations - National Post

Remove resource revenues from equalization

Remove resource revenues from equalization

Equalization was designed to give cash to economically weaker provinces so that they would have total revenues that are comparable to a representative Canadian average. And at that task, the program works remarkably well. In doing so, however, the program…


July 30th 2001 - Archive - National Post

On health, provinces should go it alone

On health, provinces should go it alone

The story of a repeatedly jilted lover who, with vain hope, returns again and again to his partner is tragically familiar. Just as familiar as, say, provincial governments asking Ottawa for additional dollars for health care.  In the beginning of…


July 25th 2001 - Archive - Calgary Herald

Ottawa scheme confiscates East Coast’s chance for a real future

Ottawa scheme confiscates East Coast’s chance for a real future

The debate over Ottawa’s equalization payments to economically disadvantaged provinces is not primarily about special treatment or about disincentives the program creates for recipient provinces.  The real debate is about the proper role of nonrenewable resources within the equalization program. …