I’m pleased to announce that Shannon Phillips has joined forces with myself and Tyler Meredith, creating Meredith Boessenkool & Phillips. Together we’ll offer our brand of innovative policy-based expertise to Canadians from coast to coast.
We work to translate our clients’ goals into public policy priorities, crafting ready-made, comprehensive solutions for government.
To Make Better Policy with Meredith Boessenkool & Phillips, visit MBPolicy.com.
While only the truly paranoid would argue there is a risk of a repeat of the disastrous National Energy Program, Albertans are right to be nervous of Ottawa operating solo when it comes to discussing continental energy policy with the…
This new AIMS study, the first in AIMS Oil & Gas Series, outlines a win-win strategy to reduce the overall cost of equalization and put more money into the hands of the provinces in the long term. The paper’s author Ken…
It may seem like an odd time to forecast a rebalancing of power between Ottawa and the provinces with the forces for centralization as strong as they are in Ottawa. However, the current realignment of two provinces — Ontario and…
Please allow me the liberty of quoting at length the last paragraph in Mr. MacLean’s editorial. Names and identifying characteristics have been changed to protect the innocent: “This country has many senior rank economists, including ones in Atlantic Canada, possessing…
Sometimes you have to take government at its word. In the case of the latest Alberta budget, two sentences in the government’s fiscal plan suggest its spending plans are unsustainable. Exhibit A is the sentence at the top of page…