April 23rd 2001 - Archive - Calgary Herald
How to tell if provincial spending is rising too fast
The most important number in this week’s Alberta budget is $3 billion — the average level of natural resource revenues that poured into Alberta coffers during the 1990s. Let me explain. In 1981, Alberta relied on non-resource revenues to fund…
April 23rd 2001 - Archive - Edmonton Journal
Poster-province economics 101: Difference between total spending, non-resource revenues the key
The most important number in next week’s Alberta budget is $3 billion — the average level of natural resource revenues that poured into Alberta coffers during the 1990s. If the government relies on natural resources for more than this amount,…
April 14th 2001 - Archive - National Post
Sweet talk no substitute for action
In a recent stopover in Calgary, Jean Chretien, the Prime Minister, said Albertans should stop bringing up past grievances and instead focus on the future. As an example, Mr. Chretien wants Westerners to note his newfound fondness — notwithstanding his…
April 3rd 2001 - Archive - Calgary Herald
Electoral system may be messy, but it works
There is a growing sentiment, at least among certain political elites and their counterparts in the media, that our electoral system is broken. Yet, nearly three Canadians are satisfied for every Canadian who is dissatisfied with the way federal elections…
March 17th 2001 - Archive - Calgary Herald
Dion gave us a shake and a slap
In a 20-minute speech in Regina, Ottawa’s point man on Western Canada breezily dismissed all of Alberta’s longstanding concerns with the Canadian federation and suggested all would be solved because he, Stephane Dion, minister of intergovernmental affairs, respects us. Dion…