
March 5th 2001 - Archive - The Ottawa Citizen

The great EI ripoff: You’re being gouged, and only Ralph Klein or Mike Harris can save you

The great EI ripoff: You’re being gouged, and only Ralph Klein or Mike Harris can save you

Auditor General Denis Desautels said last week that the federal government may be illegally hoarding billions of dollars in Employment Insurance (EI) premiums. The auditor general reported that, last year alone, the federal government collected $7.2 billion more in EI…


February 24th 2001 - Archive - Calgary Herald

Alberta could put a stop to the great EI ripoff

Alberta could put a stop to the great EI ripoff

In his most recent report, the Auditor General reported that Ottawa collected $7.2 billion dollars more in Employment Insurance (EI) premiums than Jane Stewart managed to shovel out the door in unemployment benefits and various other sundry programs. Just for…


February 21st 2001 - Archive - La Presse Forum

La grogne de l’Ouest Un “Programme pour l’Alberta”

La grogne de l’Ouest Un “Programme pour l’Alberta”

Harper, Stephen; Flanagan, Tom; Morton, Ted; Knopff, Rainer; Crooks, Andrew; Boessenkool, Ken Alors que l’échec de l’Alliance canadienne, lors des dernières élections fédérales, n’a toujours pas été digéré dans l’Ouest canadien, le sentiment de mécontentement prend de l’ampleur. Que se…


February 16th 2001 - Archive - National Post

Politics and pogey: The Liberals cut off debate, but there is another way to get EI reform on the agenda

Politics and pogey: The Liberals cut off debate, but there is another way to get EI reform on the agenda

In 1940, the Canadian provinces, battered by a decade of Depression, agreed to a constitutional amendment transferring unemployment insurance to federal jurisdiction. That solution to the problems of their day has given rise to a new generation of problems crying…


February 9th 2001 - Archive - National Post

Alberta could be Hamm’s ally

Alberta could be Hamm’s ally

This week, Nova Scotia Premier John Hamm complained that it was high time his province got its fair share of revenue from its energy resources — just like Alberta. He went on to argue that Nova Scotia should get its…