
April 8th 2021 - Archive - The Line

If the Grace Life leaders want to truly make their case, they should be charged

If the Grace Life leaders want to truly make their case, they should be charged

I’ve attended church twice per Sunday pretty much weekly since I was born. My faith is a central part of my life and belief system. It provides me assurance that someone else has paid for something I need, but could…


March 25th 2021 - Archive - The Line

Dear Doug Ford: Why let Trudeau buy off his voter coalition when you could be buying off yours?

Dear Doug Ford: Why let Trudeau buy off his voter coalition when you could be buying off yours?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon rebates help fewer federal Conservative voters than non-Conservative voters. In particular, Trudeau is using carbon rebates to lure NDP and Green voters at the expense of Federal Conservative voters. Now that you’ve lost the Supreme…


March 19th 2021 - Archive - McGill

Ken Boessenkool on Getting a Triple Dividend from a Carbon Tax

Ken Boessenkool on Getting a Triple Dividend from a Carbon Tax

Advocates of using a carbon tax to reduce GHG emissions sometimes refer to a double dividend from placing a price on carbon. The first dividend comes from appropriately pricing externalities through a carbon tax. The second dividend comes from using the…


January 1st 2015 - Archive -

Policy Forum: Kids Are Not Boats

Policy Forum: Kids Are Not Boats

The central argument of George Will’s book Statecraft as Soulcraft: What Government Does1 is that governments by their very nature affect not only the external behaviour but also the “inner life” of citizens. To put it another way, government cannot…


November 18th 2003 - Archive - National Post

Albertans are moving beyond alienation

Albertans are moving beyond alienation

The end of Alberta alienation may be at hand.  At its core, Alberta alienation has a provincial and a national component. Provincially, alienation is tied to the willingness and ability of the provincial government to assert Alberta’s interests. Nationally, alienation…