
November 17th 2021 - Alberta - The Line

Ken Boessenkool and Mike Moffatt: It’s time for the banana talk, Mr. Macklem

Ken Boessenkool and Mike Moffatt: It’s time for the banana talk, Mr. Macklem

The Bank of Canada needs to clearly communicate to Canadians what’s happening with inflation. By: Ken Boessenkool and Mike Moffatt Canada’s headline inflation rate (the Consumer Price Index) is bursting through the upper end of the Bank of Canada’s target…


November 16th 2021 - Alberta - The Line

Flipping the Line: The conservative coalition constantly changes. That’s fine.

Flipping the Line: The conservative coalition constantly changes. That’s fine.

FPTP isn’t a problem. It means you can shed portions of the right furthest from, or most offensive to, the mainstream. The Line welcomes angry rebuttals and responses to our work. The best will be featured in our ongoing series,…


November 1st 2021 - Alberta - Globe and Mail

The battles have been won, and the old political axioms are dead. Carbon taxes are here to stay

The battles have been won, and the old political axioms are dead. Carbon taxes are here to stay

KEN BOESSENKOOL AND MIKE MOFFATT SPECIAL TO THE GLOBE AND MAIL PUBLISHED OCTOBER 29, 2021 After more than a decade of hard, public democratic debate between the “no carbon tax” crowd and those advocating for a “carbon tax now,” the…


October 20th 2021 - Alberta - The Hub

The conservative case against the Reform Act

The conservative case against the Reform Act

Ken Boessenkool | October 20, 2021 We don’t need the Reform Act to tell us that when a caucus gets dispirited with a leader, that leader is toast. Just because something is unpopular, doesn’t make it wrong. Or unwise. And…


October 14th 2021 - Archive - The Hub

Turn the Senate back into Canada’s house of memory

Turn the Senate back into Canada’s house of memory

Ken Boessenkool | October 14, 2021 Our senators should be a brake on radical changes I don’t recall ever ordering and reading a book by an academic in order to write a column, but I did for this one, and…