March 19th 2021 - Archive - McGill

Ken Boessenkool on Getting a Triple Dividend from a Carbon Tax

Ken Boessenkool on Getting a Triple Dividend from a Carbon Tax

Advocates of using a carbon tax to reduce GHG emissions sometimes refer to a double dividend from placing a price on carbon. The first dividend comes from appropriately pricing externalities through a carbon tax. The second dividend comes from using the…


January 20th 2021 - Politics - The Line

A real climate-change plan will help O’Toole … even in the west

A real climate-change plan will help O’Toole … even in the west

Just under a year ago I wrote that Conservatives will not win the suburban 905 region around Toronto without a credible climate change plan. I later wrote that a carbon tax with offsetting tax cuts was a vote winner in those Toronto suburbs. Those…


January 14th 2021 - Family - MAX Policy

Ken Boessenkool Argues for a Childcare Baby Bonus

Ken Boessenkool Argues for a Childcare Baby Bonus

MAX Policy is a collection of provocative ideas and policy solutions generated by the minds at the Max Bell School of Public Policy. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed cracks in the foundations of our social infrastructure. For example, the pandemic has…


January 13th 2021 - Politics - CBC

Conservatives must reject Trumpism and address voter anger rather than stoking it, says strategist

Conservatives must reject Trumpism and address voter anger rather than stoking it, says strategist

Longtime Conservative strategist Ken Boessenkool says he will no longer tolerate “casual Trumpism” in his personal or political life, and wants to see it stamped out of Canadian politics. “In the past, some people said: ‘Oh, isn’t what Trump’s doing good’— and…


January 8th 2021 - Politics - The Line

Enough is enough with Trumpism

Enough is enough with Trumpism

I’ve been firm but patient and tolerant of the populist conservatives @martha79453 and @henry83795 Trumpers in my life.  No longer.  My patience has run out. I won’t tolerate casual Trumpism in my personal or political cohort anymore. You are wrong, I am right,…