I’m pleased to announce that Shannon Phillips has joined forces with myself and Tyler Meredith, creating Meredith Boessenkool & Phillips. Together we’ll offer our brand of innovative policy-based expertise to Canadians from coast to coast.
We work to translate our clients’ goals into public policy priorities, crafting ready-made, comprehensive solutions for government.
To Make Better Policy with Meredith Boessenkool & Phillips, visit MBPolicy.com.
A number of the Canadian commentariat have worked themselves into a lather saying that of the many bad things Stephen Harper’s Conservative government is, conservative isn’t among them. Or for some, of the many good things the Conservative government isn’t, conservative is…
In recent years, Alberta’s fiscal stance has shifted from large surpluses to deficits, and a large part of the blame appears to be due to rising public sector salaries. Since 2000, the province’s public sector wage bill has shot up…
Election night was tough for our friends in the Liberal Party. We know what that’s like. And so we can well understand why they and some of their apologists have been tempted to try to de-legitimize the key election outcomes…
The chute is open and Albertans are strapped in for what promises to be a wild ride. But this ride will be in the political, not rodeo, arena because politics in Alberta is about to mimic one of our famous…
The central argument of this paper is that Canada should better align provincial own-source revenues with provincial expenditures by turning over the GST to the provinces while simultaneously reducing federal transfers. The paper begins by broadly outlining of Canada’s present…