June 18th 2001 - Archive - National Post
Equal time on equalization
Please allow me the liberty of quoting at length the last paragraph in Mr. MacLean’s editorial. Names and identifying characteristics have been changed to protect the innocent: “This country has many senior rank economists, including ones in Atlantic Canada, possessing…
May 31st 2001 - Archive - Calgary Herald
Alberta heading for cash crunch
Sometimes you have to take government at its word. In the case of the latest Alberta budget, two sentences in the government’s fiscal plan suggest its spending plans are unsustainable. Exhibit A is the sentence at the top of page…
May 31st 2001 - Archive - National Post
The cruel hand of equalization: Atlantic Canada sees little revenue from nonrenewable resources
After 44 years and $180-billion dollars in equalization spending (not adjusted for inflation) the Atlantic provinces are only barely more able to meet the needs of their citizens with their own revenue sources than they were when equalization was introduced…
May 23rd 2001 - Archive - National Post
Provinces will soon have the upper hand
All attention these days is focused on the political de-alignment that seems to be taking place in Ottawa. But it is an emerging political re-alignment in Canada’s provinces that will fundamentally reshape the country within the emerging global economy. It…
April 27th 2001 - Archive - Calgary Herald
Alberta leads the way in fostering prosperity
Two prominent Alberta-based institutes recently released reports that risk feeding the politics of envy that says Alberta’s economic success is unfair. Fortunately, a closer look at the reports combined with a clear understanding of federalism suggests that Alberta’s success is…