
February 4th 2002 - Archive - Time (Canadian Edition)

The sixth commandment: the provinces are taking back control of Medicare, and it’s high time

The sixth commandment: the provinces are taking back control of Medicare, and it’s high time

Idnumber: 200202040607 Subject: Canada — Federal-provincial relations; Medical care — Laws   and regulations Version: CBCA: Fulltext Reference; CBCA: Index


December 19th 2001 - Archive - National Post

Game theory and military preparedness

Game theory and military preparedness

Those who have ever said to their boss, “If you do that, I’ll quit,” or to their kid “If you do that, you can’t watch TV for a week,” and then backed down when the transgression occurred, will quickly learn…


November 22nd 2001 - Archive - La Presse Forum

Santé: le reste du Canada se rallie peu à peu au point de vue du Québec

Santé: le reste du Canada se rallie peu à peu au point de vue du Québec

LE GOUVERNEMENT fédéral a-t-il un rôle à jouer dans le développement des soins de santé au Canada? Selon Jean Charest, la réponse à cette question est non. Et c’est la réponse que l’on entend de plus en plus souvent dans…


November 17th 2001 - Archive - National Post

Ottawa must get off the health care pulpit

Ottawa must get off the health care pulpit

In the mid-1990s, National Post’s prolific columnist William Watson wrote he would miss deficits when they were gone. It was a way of pointing out that stultifying inertia would replace the refreshing force of reform once Canadian governments got their…


October 18th 2001 - Archive - National Post

Security is Ottawa’s Job 1

Security is Ottawa’s Job 1

Ottawa has been widely criticized for a sluggish response to the events of Sept. 11. While the recent bill on terrorism sparked positive reviews, the rush and admitted lack of preparedness surrounding it is worrying. Many reasons can be cited…